Lucky Llama Tattoo
Local tattoo shop with fundraising initiative
Covid-19 protocol for artists
• Artists will take temperature before beginning work to verify a temperature below 100.4 degrees F
• Artists will report any COVID-19 related symptoms, feelings of sickness or exposure to potential symptomatic individuals
• Artists will wear masks at all times, eye protection, gloves and aprons at all times during the procedure and are provided with face shields if necessary
• Artists will wash hands before work, at all breaks, and before and after the tattoo session
• Artist will sanitize work stations regularly
• Artists will maintain proper 6 ft social distance between one another
• Only one person allowed in office area or break room at a time
• Artists are certified in blood borne pathogens
Covid-19 protocol for clients
• Clients will wait in vehicle upon arrival and call before coming to the door (if client uses public transportation please call before arrival at front door). The door will be locked when you arrive. 651-271-0691
• Clients will take temperature at door before entry to verify a temperature below 100.4 degrees F
• Clients will fill out COVID-19 questionnaire before entering building.
• Clients will wear mask with filter or surgical mask before entering the building. If no filter or If client does not own a mask they can purchase one before entering. Not wearing a mask will result in cancellation/rescheduling of tattoo. No exceptions.
• Artist will open door for client, take clients temperature and escort them to wash sinks to clean hands for 20 seconds before proceeding with tattoo check in.
• Clients will remain in the procedure area through visit except to wash hands and use the restroom.
• Clients will wash hands on any breaks that involve them leaving the tattoo area and after the tattoo procedure before proceeding with payment.
• Clients are encouraged to do cashless payments via credit card or cash apps.
• Clients will attend appointments alone to lower chances of transmission.
• No food or drink items will be allowed. Clients must take a break in their vehicles for food.
Further protective measures taken
• All tattoos will be done on an appointment only basis. We will NOT be accepting walk-ins until further notice.
• Our HVAC system has been updated with proper sealing and a MERV-13 recommended filter.
• Our system will run non-stop throughout the day to promote air circulation throughout the shop
COVID-19 Related Guidance Links
• Industry Guidance for Safely Reopening
• For Businesses: Safely Returning to Work
• Personal Care Industry Guidance
• CDC Guidance
Our Official Preparedness Plan with State Guidance
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan following State of Minnesota Industry Guidance for our business, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines, federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards related to safety and health precautions required in response to COVID-19 and applicable executive orders. The plan addresses the following:
1. Policies and procedures that assist in the identification of sick workers and ensure sick workers stay home;
2. Implementation of engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;
3. Worker hygiene and source controls;
4. Workplace building and ventilation protocols;
5. Workplace cleaning and disinfecting protocols;
6. What customers and clients can do to minimize transmission;
7. Additional protections and protocols for receiving and exchanging payment;
8. Additional protections and protocols for managing occupancy;
9. Additional protections and protocols to limit face-to-face interactions; and
10. Additional protection and protocols for distancing and barriers.
11. Policies and procedures that assist in the identification of sick workers and ensure sick workers stay home
Workers have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess workers’ health status prior to entering the workplace and for workers to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms. All workers are required to take temperature before working and fill out a minnesota department of health screening checklist. If anyone is experiencing any symptoms or feeling sick they will message the group in our ongoing group message to inform us. Artists will check in daily via message if they are in quarantine to maintain communication and update health.
Workers with COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home immediately. If they cannot be sent home immediately, isolate in a closed room until they can be sent home. Workers who have been in close contact with a household member with COVID will not be at work until their quarantine period is finished. Workers will report via our group message if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the work place and will quarantine for a minimum of two weeks.
12. Social distancing – maintaining six feet of physical distancing
Social distancing of six feet will be implemented and maintained between workers in the workplace through the following engineering and administrative protocols: we will only have 3 artists working at a time to maintain social distancing. There are station dividers with curtains to provide a barrier between work stations. Only one person will be allowed in office area at a time.
Social distancing of six feet will be implemented and maintained between workers and customers or clients in the workplace through the following engineering and administrative protocols: We are unable to provide a six foot social distance but all artists will be wearing masks and are provided face shields, they will also be wearing protective eye gear, gloves and aprons throughout the tattoo. Hand sanitizer is available in each station.
13. Worker hygiene and source controls
Worker hygiene and source controls are being implemented at our workplaces at all times. All artists are required to wash hands when entering the building, using the restroom, pre and post tattoo, and during any breaks. Artists are required to wear aprons, protective eyewear, masks, gloves and are provided with face shields. All stations will have a bottle of hand sanitizer to use along with hand washing.
14. Workplace building and ventilation protocols
Reopening the workplace includes necessary sanitation, assessment and maintenance of building systems including water, plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems. Our HVAC system has been updated to hold a MERV-13 filter and all edges have been sealed. The system will run continuously at all times for constant airflow.
15. Workplace cleaning and disinfection protocols
Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented, including routine sanitizing of the workplace and frequent sanitizing of high-touch areas. Workers have been instructed that personal equipment and tools should not be shared and, if shared, should be disinfected between users. All doors/handles will be sanitized after being touched. The bathroom will be cleaned every time it is used. Wash sinks will be cleaned every hour (they are touchless). All stations will be sanitized between clients as usual.
Appropriate and effective cleaning and disinfectant supplies have been purchased and are available for use in accordance with product labels, safety data sheets and manufacturer specifications, and are being used with required personal protective equipment for the product. We have Cavicide and MadaCide for all high touch areas and stations. Anti-bacterial spray will be used regularly on counter surfaces. Virex is used to sanitize floors once per day.
16. What customers and clients can do to minimize transmission of COVID-19
Clients are required to take temperature before entering the building and sign a release form stating they are not experiencing symptoms and have not been in contact with symptomatic people. Clients will wash hands immediately when entering the building. All clients are required to wear masks. If they are cloth masks they must have a filter. If clients do not have a filtered mask we have masks for sale. Clients will attend appointments alone to reduce the number of people in the building.
17. Additional protections and protocols for receiving and exchanging payment
Clients are encouraged to use credit cards or cash apps for payments. Devices used to process payments will be sanitized before and after use.
18. Additional protections and protocols for managing occupancy
All tattoos will be by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted. Clients will attend appointments alone. When client arrives they will email the artist and artist will greet them at the door when the after the station is prepped. Upon entering they will immediately have their temperature taken and wash hands. Door will be locked at all times.
19. Additional protections and protocols to limit face-to-face interactions
Consultations, if needed, will be done via video consultation or email. Set up for tattoos will be done before the client enters the stations. Tear downs will be done after client leaves.
20. Additional protection and protocols for distancing and barriers
All furniture has a wipeable surface. Any unnecessary items that are non-wipeable will be removed from the shop. Curtains will be closed at all times to provide an additional barrier between stations.